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Giving To The Mount

Our tithes and financial gifts are act of obedience to God but one by which we demonstrate the joy and the overflow of the great things that Jesus has done in our lives. We give by faith, acknowledging God as our provider.

Ways To Give

Baskets & Boxes 

There is an opportunity to give in person on Sunday Mornings. Your gift may be in the form of cash or a check made payable to The Mount Church. During worship, simply drop your gift in one of the baskets held by a Deacon or volunteer as they take up offering during one of the songs in the morning worship set. Additionally, there are small wooden tithe boxes (pictured) at the front and back of our sanctuary where you can drop off your offering. Feel free to contact Lisa Forrester, our Financial Manager, If you have any questions about financial donations. 


Offering checks or cash may be mailed to

The Mount Church 

827 Old Greenville Hwy, 

Clemson, SC, 29631

Other Ways To Give 

We currently do not have any systems in place to give securely online (but we are considering options). 


You may designate your gift or a portion of your gift to a specific ministry or initiative of the church. Simply attach a note to your offering or write on the memo line of a check.


Physical donations for the clothes closet ministry (gently used clothing, blankets, coats, etc.) can be brought during active hours on Saturdays (8am-12pm) or left (in a box or bag) under the breezeway during the week. 


Contact Lisa Forrester with questions about other non-cash donations.

Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.

Proverbs 3:9-10

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